Friday, March 13, 2015

Real Time with Bill Maher #346 03/13/15 "Real Mature"

Baby Crying
Congressional Republicans
and other spoiled brats are like this baby.
by Catherine Giordano

Bill Maher summed up the week’s news with two words “Real mature!” on Real Time with Bill Maher, episode 346, which aired on HBO on March 13, 2015.  

The letter to Iran
“Real mature,” was Maher’s summation of the letter to Iran. It was spoken sarcastically and it referred to the 47 Republicans who signed the letter to Iran in order to undermine the negotiations that Obama and the leaders of other allied countries are having with Iran to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Iran responded saying the letter was condescending. [It was—it lectured them on American politics while getting the facts wrong. The negotiations are not a treaty and thus Congressional approval is not needed. } Prior to sending this letter some Democrats were actually on the same side as the Republicans, but the letter ended that. Real stupid! And I don’t mean that sarcastically.

Only 7 senators did not sign the letter. Some of those who did are doubling down and some are backing off. Senator McCain said he signed it because it was snowing and he was in a hurry to get home. Now I feel better. (That is being said sarcastically.) Senators sign things without knowing what they are signing because they are in a hurry to go home. 
Thrive book cover Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington is the editor in chief of The Huffington Post, author of several books. Her newest book is Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder. She said that Republicans want to go to war, but they have no idea of how to pay for it. My response: It is just Republicans being immature again. If they love was so much, can’t they get their jollies playing video games? Our economy is just finally recovering thanks to Obama, and they want to plunge us into deficit spending again.  

Senator Marco Rubio is either an idiot or else he just plays one on TV. He thinks Iran is with ISIS. Secretary of State Kerry has emphatically told him that he is wrong on this, but Rubio is too immature to understand. 
Sean Penn
Sean Penn
Sean Penn, an actor and human rights activist. (Penn has won two academy awards, one for Mystic River and one for Milk; his newest movie is The Gunman which Maher described as an intelligent action thriller. Penn. Has also been very involved in relief programs for Haiti and Katrina.)  

Penn said, “There is a division in the generations in Iran. There is progressive people thinking among young people and they are for separation of church and state. Maher pointed out that may people in Iran are sophisticated and westernized. They could be won over. Can the Republicans just go to their rooms and play video games, and let the adults handle things.

Hillary’s email
The other big thing in the news is Hillary’s email. This is all Republicans have to talk about. Real mature! [Sarcasm again.] Let’s say Hillary had two email accounts as some people think she should have had. Couldn’t she have used her personal account for state department business if she wanted to keep some email secret? One account or two--someone who wants to hide something can hide it. I think they are just pissed they can’t get their hands on her personal emails to go fishing for something embarrassing. A fight with Bill, spending too much for Chelsea’s wedding—anything they could use against Hillary.

Hillary says she turned over all relevant emails. Maybe she’s telling the truth; maybe she isn’t. Until a recipient of a hidden email comes forward, I’m going to take her at her word.

Maher said they won’t be satisfied until they find an email in which Hillary says “I hate America and I love scissoring.” He added that Republicans attitude is like saying “We’re not saying she is a witch, we’re just asking why she won’t let us dunk her in a pond.”

Rape on campus
The interview was with Andrea Pino and Annie Clark, co-founders of The End Rape on Campus" group and producers of the documentary, The Hunting Ground, about rape on college campuses. These two well spoken young women want us to know that one in every four or five women on campus are sexually assaulted. Colleges are not taking this seriously. Maher said it was like with the Catholic Church—they act not to protect the victim, but to protect the institution.

Black lives matter
Racism in America
Racial issues
More immaturity from men on campus. A California fraternity was caught on tapes singing chants about how no blacks were allowed in their fraternity. They didn’t say “blacks;” they used the N-word. Maher said, “The fraternity got in big trouble for the chants, but they would have gotten away with sexual assault. “

Maher said, the U.S. is definitely not post racial despite what the Supreme Court ruling said when they struck down the voting rights act. Sharyl Attkinson, journalist, and author of Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington, showed her conservative stripes by responding “You can’t find any place where people don’t have thoughts against others.” Definitely no maturity in that response. Yes, Sharyl “haters gonna hate,” but does that mean we should just shrug our shoulders. Maher pointed out that in Fergusson people were fired for racist emails, but not for the shootings.

As the Obama said at the Commemorative March on Selma just because we have made progress doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot more that needs to be done. Tom Rogan, a contributor to National Review Online, The Daily Telegraph, and a blogger at TomRoganThinks, gave a mature response. Talking about how only one Republican member of Congress showed up for Selma (and he decided to go only the day before the March) while 100 or so Democratic members were there, Rogan said, “It was noticed in Republican circles.” I’m sure it was noticed in African-American circles also.

The report on Fergusson proved that as it proved that there is systematic oppression of black people. Fergusson is not an isolated case.

Mid-show comedy segment.
The mid-show comedy segment was a parody campaign ad for Cletus J. McClintock, a fictional (I hope) character with the campaign slogan “Faith Flag and F-You”. In the ad, McClintock says he is the biggest Obama hater of them all and proves it with such stunts as mooning the president.

New Rules: Heir Supplies
The final New Rules segment railed against the hypocrisy of many rich people. For instance, Donald Trump who maintain that “handouts” robs people of the opportunity to improve.” But Trump got his money from his father—perhaps that explains why he is such a “dumb-ass.”

The rich are opposed to taxes on inheritances—they call it the death tax. (Maher pointed out that the best time to be taxed is when you are dead. NB: Maher has no children.)

“The one thing they believe more than the value of hard work is to leave all their money to their kids.” Maher then showed us video clips of Paris Hilton’s little brother, Conrad Hilton, an obnoxious young man, acting like a very spoiled rich brat on an airplane—the crew had to put him into restraints. Maher quipped, “Why can’t we book this kid on Malaysian Airlines?”  

Maher then spoke about another kid who never knew “the dignity of work.” Ethan Couch killed four people while driving under the influence. He got away with it—no prison time only rehabilitation. His defense: he suffered from a disease dubbed “af-flu-enza.” He was too rich to know boundaries. (In other words, he was too immature to be responsible for his actions because he was a spoiled rich brat.) 

Maher concluded: “Ask your doctor if being rich is right for you.”
Final word
Too bad there is no pill for immaturity. There are quite a few in Washington who need that prescription.

Bill Maher’s Guests March 13, 2015

The interview is with Andrea Pino and Annie Clark, co-founders of The End Rape on Campus" group and producers of the documentary, The Hunting Ground, about rape on college campuses.

The mid show guest is Sean Penn, an actor and human rights activist. He won two academy awards, one for Mystic River and one for Milk. His Newest movie is The Gunman which Maher described as an intelligent action thriller.

The panel guests are: 

Arianna Huffington, editor in chief of The Huffington Post, author of several books.  Her newest book is Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder 

Tom Rogan, a contributor to National Review Online, The Daily Telegraph, and a blogger at TomRoganThinks

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